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We are committed to providing timely, high quality information to investors on the internet. Whether you are interested in key performance ratios, financial news and results, we hope that you will find what you need readily here.
Established in 1976, Kingsmen is a leading creator of experiences, with a global network of 18 offices and full service facilities serving global clients in Events & Exhibitions, Thematic & Attractions, Retail & Corporate Interiors, Research & Design, and Experiential Marketing.
Benedict Soh
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Dear Shareholders,
As we reflect on the past year, I am heartened by the hard work and dedication displayed by our team, and I extend my sincere appreciation to all stakeholders for their continued support. We remained steadfast in our commitment to excellence in innovation and process improvement, amidst the challenges that we encountered.
While our markets have shown signs of recovery, it is essential to acknowledge that the effects of recent global events have influenced market dynamics, subsequently impacting our operations and financials. This is particularly telling as bad debts of a few major clients have negatively impacted our bottom line, despite improvements in our top lines across all sectors.
As we chart our course forward, our focus remains on our strategic priorities and the opportunities in our markets. In a rapidly evolving market, staying ahead of the curve and remaining relevant to the market are imperative. We are dedicated to driving innovation, harnessing the potential of digital technologies such as generative AI and embracing sustainability as core tenets of our business strategy.
Our commitment to the development of our capabilities remains. We recognise the importance of nurturing talent, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and investing in our people to ensure our sustained success.
In our Intellectual Property ("IP") business sector, we are witnessing a resurgence in the attractions industry, particularly in key regions like the US, Europe and North Asia. Notably, we are eagerly anticipating the opening of multiple branded IP attractions, like Nerf Action Xperience and Planet PlaySkool, slated for launch in the US and/or China in 2024 and 2025. We remain steadfast in our commitment to acquiring and developing innovation branded IP concepts to meet the evolving preferences of consumers and lifestyle trends.
Furthermore, we are resolute in our commitment to minimising our environmental footprint and making a positive impact on the communities we serve. In 2023, we achieved a significant milestone with the attainment of the ISO 202121:2012 certification for sustainable event management, underscoring our dedication to environmental stewardship and responsible business practice.
In line with the Group's policy of distributing its profits to loyal shareholders, the Board of Directors has proposed a final dividend of 1.0 cent per ordinary share. As we embark on the next phase, I am filled with confidence and optimism for the future. Together, we will build upon our past successes, leveraging our collective strengths and expertise to achieve even greater heights.
Finally, I wish to part with a vote of thanks to all employees, stakeholders and shareholders for their cooperation and support.
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Benedict Soh is dedicated to honing the Group's leadership capabilities and human capital, in addition to his role in charting the Group's strategic direction and exploring new business opportunities. One of two founders of the Group, he has contributed significantly to its growth and has over 40 years of experience in the design & production of interiors, exhibits and marketing communications. Benedict has contributed his services to relevant Government agencies for various initiatives to improve Singapore's international standing in Tourism & Exhibition Services.
A strong proponent of education, Benedict is the Chairman of the MDIS School of Tourism & Hospitality Industrial Advisory Board and a member of its academic board. He is also a member of SHATEC's Academic & Examination Advisory Council. In 2014, US-based Exhibit Designers & Producers Association (EDPA) conferred the prestigious Hazel Hays Award in recognition of Benedict's outstanding contributions to the trade show industry, in addition to the Lifetime Achievement for Outstanding Contribution to Tourism accorded by the Singapore Tourism Board in 2012. Benedict holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Hull, UK.
Simon Ong oversees the strategic planning and development of the Group as well as its creative and brand standards. He is one of the Group's two founders and has contributed significantly to its growth. He is actively serving the creative industry and is currently an advisor to the Society of Interior Designers Singapore and a member of Singapore Interior Design Accreditation Council. Simon served as Chairman of the design cluster in the Manpower, Skills & Training Council of WDA, President of the Interior Designers Association, an IDP member of the Design Singapore Council, and an advisory board member to the Design Business Chamber of Singapore and Singapore Furniture Industries Council (Design). On the international front, he served as a board member of SHOP!, a leading Association of Retail Environments in USA. In 2019, he was inducted into the Shop! Hall of Fame in recognition of his significant contributions to the industry.
An ardent advocate of education, Simon currently serves as a board director of Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA). He served as a member of the Advisory Board to the School of Design & Environment at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Temasek Polytechnic School of Design, and a member of Design Education Review Committee, Singapore (DERC). He was the former Chairman of the School Advisory Board of Cedar Girls Secondary School, and Vice-Chairman of the Potong Pasir CC Management Committee. He was awarded a Master in Design from the University of New South Wales, Australia, and a Master of Business Administration from the University of South Australia.
Anthony Chong drives the strategic management and day-to-day operations of the Group's Theme Parks, Museums, Exhibitions and Events businesses. He has more than 40 years of experience in marketing and the fulfilment of different disciplines that encompass world-class attractions, tradeshows, retail interiors and large-scale sporting & corporate events. Anthony holds a Master of Business Administration from Victoria University of Technology, Australia.
Alex Wee has more than 30 years of experience in the fulfilment of retail & corporate interior fit-outs, custom fixture manufacturing, and general contracting. He is responsible for the strategic management and day-to-day operations of the Group's Retail & Corporate Interiors business. Alex has a Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) from University of Newcastle, Australia, and a Master of Science in Marketing & Consumer Insight from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Sebastian Tan was appointed Independent Director of the Company in April 2013. In May 2000, he co-founded Boardroom Limited, a company listed on the Singapore Exchange (SGX-ST) and was delisted in August 2019. He was the Managing/ Finance Director of Boardroom Limited from May 2000 to March 2013. Having retired from Boardroom Limited, he continues to be an Advisor. Prior to May 2000, he was with Ernst & Young Singapore and its affiliates since September 1973.
Sebastian is currently an Independent Non-Executive Chairman of Hiap Seng Industries Limited, Jumbo Group Limited and Vibrant Group Ltd and an Independent Director of Food Empire Holdings Limited, IPC Corporation Ltd and Wilton Resources Corporation Ltd. He is also a trustee of Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple and a director of D S Lee Foundation and EtonHouse Community Fund Limited. He is a qualified financial professional from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK). He was awarded the Public Service Medal in 1996.
Cynthia Tan was appointed Independent Director of the Company in November 2016. Prior to joining the board, she spent 16 years as the Executive Vice President, Head of Group Human Resources for OCBC Bank. In her earlier career, she headed the HR functions in LVMH/Duty-Free Group and Apple Computer Singapore. She was a former lecturer at Ngee Ann Polytechnic's School of Business & Accountancy before joining the private sector.
Cynthia is currently an Independent Director of Valuemax Group Limited. She leads the Asia Pacific CHRO council for The Conference Board. She also serves as a Board member of the YMCA Singapore and the Dyslexia Association of Singapore. She is also an adjunct faculty member of the Singapore Management University.
Cynthia is a trained Executive Coach from Columbia University, US and certified Diversity Practitioner from Cornell University, US. She obtained her Doctorate in Business Administration from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Master in Gerontology from the University of Southampton, UK, Master of Business Administration from the University of Hull, UK, and Diploma in Personnel Management from the University of Cardiff, UK.
Derek Loh was appointed Independent Director of the Company in May 2021. He holds a Master of Arts (M.A.), Law (Honours) from the University of Cambridge, UK and practises law in Singapore as an Executive Director of TSMP Law Corporation, specialising in construction and engineering law. He is an Advocate and Solicitor of the Supreme Court.
Derek is currently an Independent Director of Adventus Holdings Limited and Vibrant Group Limited. He is a member of the Board of Governors of Saint Joseph's International (“SJI”) and also a trustee of the SJI Philanthropic Fund for the Lasallian Mission Ltd, a registered charity in Singapore.
financial ratios /
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The Kingsmen Experience
22 Changi Business Park Central 2
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t. (65) 688 000 88
e. info@kingsmen-int.com
Period | Full Year Dec 2024 | Full Year Dec 2023 | Full Year Dec 2022 |
Earnings Per Share (SGD) (Earnings/Latest No. Of Shares) | 0.07 | 0.01 | 0.02 |
Net Asset Value Per Share (SGD) (Shareholders' Equity/Latest No. Of Shares) | 0.60 | 0.54 | 0.54 |
Price Earnings Ratio (PER) (Price/EPS) | 5.46 | 25.09 | 15.46 |
Price/Revenue (Price x Latest No. Of Shares/Revenue) | 0.18 | 0.20 | 0.22 |
Net Earnings Margin (%) (Net Earnings/Revenue) | 3.38 | 0.79 | 1.41 |
Revenue Growth (%) ((Current Year Revenue - Last Year Revenue) / Last Year Revenue) | 7.46 | 10.09 | 20.20 |
Net Earnings Growth (%) ((Current Year Earnings - Last Year Earnings) / Last Year Earnings) | 359.89 | -38.39 | 361.85 |
Return On Asset (ROA) (%) (Net Earnings/Total Assets) | 4.74 | 1.08 | 1.74 |
Return On Equity (ROE) (%) (Net Earnings/Equity) | 10.93 | 2.61 | 4.22 |
Current Ratio (Current Assets/Current Liabilities) | 1.55 | 1.48 | 1.48 |
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The Kingsmen Experience
22 Changi Business Park Central 2
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Year | |
Annual Report 2022 | ![]() |
Annual Report 2021 | ![]() |
Annual Report 2020 | ![]() |
Annual Report 2019 | ![]() |
Annual Report 2018 | ![]() |
Annual Report 2017 | ![]() |
Annual Report 2016 | ![]() |
Annual Report 2015 | ![]() |
Annual Report 2014 | ![]() |
Annual Report 2013 | ![]() |
Annual Report 2012 | ![]() |
Annual Report 2011 | ![]() |
Annual Report 2010 | ![]() |
Annual Report 2009 | ![]() |
Annual Report 2008 | ![]() |
Annual Report 2007 | ![]() |
Annual Report 2006 | ![]() |
Annual Report 2005 | ![]() |
Annual Report 2004 | ![]() |
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The Kingsmen Experience
22 Changi Business Park Central 2
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t. (65) 688 000 88
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Year | |
Sustainability Report 2022 | ![]() |
Sustainability Report 2021 | ![]() |
Sustainability Report 2020 | ![]() |
Sustainability Report 2019 | ![]() |
Sustainability Report 2018 | ![]() |
Sustainability Report 2017 | ![]() |
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22 Changi Business Park Central 2
Singapore 486032
t. (65) 688 000 88
e. info@kingsmen-int.com
Stock Fundamentals / insider trades / stock quotes /
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The Kingsmen Experience
22 Changi Business Park Central 2
Singapore 486032
t. (65) 688 000 88
e. info@kingsmen-int.com
Historical EPS ($) a 0.06506 |
NAV ($) b 0.5952 |
Historical PE 5.457 |
Price / NAV b 0.596 |
Dividend ($) d 0.020000 |
52 Weeks High 0.375 |
Dividend Yield (%) d 5.634 |
52 Weeks Low 0.235 |
Par Value ($) n.a. |
Market Cap (M) 71.692 |
Issued & Paid-up Shares c 201,948,299 |
Listing Date Sep 19, 2003 |
Subscription Rate 243.00 |
IPO Price 0.198 |
Current vs IPO Price (%) 79.29 |
First Day Close 0.390 |
First Day Gain (%) 97.0 |
First Week Close 0.330 |
First Week Gain (%) 66.7 |
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Contact Us
The Kingsmen Experience
22 Changi Business Park Central 2
Singapore 486032
t. (65) 688 000 88
e. info@kingsmen-int.com
Announce Date [Date of Effective Change] |
Buyer / Seller Name [Type*] |
S / W / U ** | Bought/ (Sold) ('000) |
Price($) | After Trade | Note | |
No. of Shares ('000) *** | % Held *** |
20/08/24 [20/08/24] |
SIMON ONG CHIN SIM [DIR] | S/U | 2,000 | - | 49,034 | 24.28 | Note
Acquisition of Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married deals) Amount of consideration paid or received by Director/CEO (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): SGD 520,000 Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 11040830 (Direct Interest); 37993060 (Deemed Interest)MR SIMON ONG CHIN SIM'S DEEMED INTEREST REFERS TO THE 37,993,060 SHARES HELD BY O-VEST PTE. LTD. BY VIRTUE OF SECTION 7 OF THE COMPANIES ACT 1967 (SINGAPORE). |
20/08/24 [20/08/24] |
SOH SIAK POH BENEDICT [DIR] | S/U | 2,238 | - | 49,272 | 24.40 | Note
20/08/24 [20/08/24] |
ISLANDA PTE. LTD. [SSH] | S/U | 2,238 | - | 40,731 | 20.17 | Note
Acquisition of Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married deals) Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): SGD 581,828 Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 40730860 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest) |
10/11/22 [09/11/22] |
SIMON ONG CHIN SIM [DIR] | S/U | 200 | - | 47,034 | 23.29 | Note
Acquisition of Securities via market transaction Amount of consideration paid or received by Director/CEO (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): SGD 47,000.00 Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 9040830 (Direct Interest); 37993060 (Deemed Interest)MR SIMON ONG CHIN SIM'S DEEMED INTEREST REFERS TO THE 37,993,060 SHARES HELD BY O-VEST PTE. LTD. BY VIRTUE OF SECTION 7 OF THE COMPANIES ACT 1967 (SINGAPORE) |
02/03/21 [02/03/21] |
CHENG OON TECK [DIR] | S/U | 1,000 | - | 1,665 | 0.82 | Note
Acquisition of Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married deals) Amount of consideration paid or received by Director/CEO (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): SGD 240,000.00 Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 1664960 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest) |
02/03/21 [02/03/21] |
SIMON ONG CHIN SIM [DIR] | S/U | 500 | - | 46,834 | 23.19 | Note
Acquisition of Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married deals) Amount of consideration paid or received by Director/CEO (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): SGD 120,000.00 Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 8840830 (Direct Interest); 37993060 (Deemed Interest)MR SIMON ONG CHIN SIM'S DEEMED INTEREST REFERS TO THE 37,993,060 SHARES HELD BY O-VEST PTE. LTD. BY VIRTUE OF SECTION 7 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, CAP. 50 OF SINGAPORE |
02/03/21 [02/03/21] |
SOH SIAK POH BENEDICT [DIR] | S/U | 500 | - | 47,034 | 23.29 | Note
02/03/21 [02/03/21] |
ISLANDA PTE. LTD. [SSH] | S/U | 500 | - | 38,493 | 19.06 | Note
Acquisition of Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married deals) Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): SGD 120,000 Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 38493060 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest) |
13/05/19 [13/05/19] |
CHENG OON TECK [DIR] | S/U | 9 | - | 665 | 0.33 | Note
GRANT OF SHARE AWARD UNDER THE KINGSMEN PERFORMANCE SHARE SCHEME. Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 664960 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.33000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest) |
07/05/18 [07/05/18] |
CHONG SIEW LING [DIR] | S/U | 46 | - | 4,151 | 2.08 | Note
GRANT OF SHARE AWARD UNDER THE KINGSMEN PERFORMANCE SHARE SCHEME. Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 4150531 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 2.08000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest) |
07/05/18 [07/05/18] |
CHENG OON TECK [DIR] | S/U | 9 | - | 656 | 0.33 | Note
GRANT OF SHARE AWARD UNDER THE KINGSMEN PERFORMANCE SCHEME. Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 656400 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.33000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest) |
05/05/17 [05/05/17] |
CHONG SIEW LING [DIR] | S/U | 142 | - | 4,105 | 2.06 | Note
GRANT OF SHARE AWARD UNDER THE KINGSMEN PERFORMANCE SHARE SCHEME. Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 4104731 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 2.06000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest) |
05/05/17 [05/05/17] |
CHENG OON TECK [DIR] | S/U | 11 | - | 648 | 0.33 | Note
GRANT OF SHARE AWARD UNDER THE KINGSMEN PERFORMANCE SHARE SCHEME. Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 647690 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.33000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest) |
05/05/17 [05/05/17] |
SIMON ONG CHIN SIM [DIR] | S/U | 11 | - | 46,334 | 23.27 | Note
GRANT OF SHARE AWARD UNDER THE KINGSMEN PERFORMANCE SHARE SCHEME AS APPROVED BY SHAREHOLDERS AT THE FOURTEENTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF KINGSMEN CREATIVES LTD. HELD ON 28 APRIL 2017. Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 8340830 (Direct Interest); 37993060 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 4.19000000 (Direct Interest); 19.08000000 (Deemed Interest)MR SIMON ONG CHIN SIM'S DEEMED INTEREST REFERS TO THE 37,993,060 SHARES HELD BY O-VEST PTE. LTD. BY VIRTUE OF SECTION 7 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, CAP. 50 OF SINGAPORE. |
05/05/17 [05/05/17] |
SOH SIAK POH BENEDICT [DIR] | S/U | 11 | - | 46,534 | 23.37 | Note
GRANT OF SHARE AWARD UNDER THE KINGSMEN PERFORMANCE SHARE SCHEME AS APPROVED BY SHAREHOLDERS AT THE FOURTEENTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF KINGSMEN CREATIVES LTD. HELD ON 28 APRIL 2017. Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 8540849 (Direct Interest); 37993060 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 4.29000000 (Direct Interest); 19.08000000 (Deemed Interest)MR SOH SIAK POH BENEDICT'S DEEMED INTEREST REFERS TO THE 37,993,060 SHARES HELD BY ISLANDA PTE. LTD. BY VIRTUE OF SECTION 7 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, CAP. 50 OF SINGAPORE. |
23/02/17 [23/02/17] |
SOH SIAK POH BENEDICT [DIR] | S/U | 61 | - | 46,522 | 23.48 | Note
Acquisition of Securities via market transaction Amount of consideration paid or received by Director/CEO (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): SGD 38,430.00 Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 8529419 (Direct Interest); 37993060 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 4.30000000 (Direct Interest); 19.18000000 (Deemed Interest)MR SOH SIAK POH BENEDICT'S DEEMED INTEREST REFERS TO THE 37,993,060 SHARES HELD BY ISLANDA PTE. LTD. BY VIRTUE OF SECTION 7 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, CAP.50 OF SINGAPORE. |
22/02/17 [22/02/17] |
SOH SIAK POH BENEDICT [DIR] | S/U | 139 | - | 46,461 | 23.45 | Note
Acquisition of Securities via market transaction Amount of consideration paid or received by Director/CEO (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): SGD 87,895.00 Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 8468419 (Direct Interest); 37993060 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 4.27000000 (Direct Interest); 19.18000000 (Deemed Interest)MR SOH SIAK POH BENEDICT'S DEEMED INTEREST REFERS TO THE 37,993,060 SHARES HELD BY ISLANDA PTE. LTD. BY VIRTUE OF SECTION 7 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, CAP.50 OF SINGAPORE. |
14/02/17 [09/02/17] |
Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V. [SSH] | S/U | (269) | - | 9,744 | 4.92 | Note
Disposal of Securities via market transaction Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): SGD 164,475.70 Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 9743500 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 4.92000000 (Deemed Interest)1. Delta Lloyd N.V. (100%) 2. DLAM Holding B.V. (100%) 3. Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V. The above holdings are registered in the name of Delta Lloyd Azie Deelnemingen Fonds N.V. (Custodian being Kas Bank N.V.) and Delta Lloyd Asian Participation Fund (Custodian being Banque de Luxembourg S.A.). The above percentages are calculated based on the total number of 198.40.781 Ordinary Shares of the Company as of 17 January 2017 |
24/01/17 [18/01/17] |
Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V. [SSH] | S/U | (457) | - | 11,595 | 5.85 | Note
Disposal of Securities via market transaction Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): SGD 278,488.20 Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 11594700 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 5.85000000 (Deemed Interest)1. Delta Lloyd N.V. (100%) 2. DLAM Holding B.V. (100%) 3. Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V. The above holdings are registered in the name of Delta Lloyd Azie Deelnemingen Fonds N.V. (Custodian being Kas Bank N.V.) and Delta Lloyd Asian Participation Fund (Custodian being Banque de Luxembourg S.A.). The above percentages are calculated based on the total number of 198.40.781 Ordinary Shares of the Company as of 17 January 2017 |
06/05/16 [06/05/16] |
CHONG SIEW LING [DIR] | S/U | 228 | - | 3,963 | 2.00 | Note
GRANT OF SHARE AWARD UNDER THE KINGSMEN PERFORMANCE SHARE SCHEME. Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 3963061 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 2.00000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest) |
06/05/16 [06/05/16] |
SIMON ONG CHIN SIM [DIR] | S/U | 175 | - | 46,322 | 23.38 | Note
GRANT OF SHARE AWARD UNDER THE KINGSMEN PERFORMANCE SHARE SCHEME AS APPROVED BY SHAREHOLDERS AT THE THIRTEENTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF KINGSMEN CREATIVES LTD. HELD ON 28 APRIL 2016. Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 8329400 (Direct Interest); 37993060 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 4.20000000 (Direct Interest); 19.18000000 (Deemed Interest)MR SIMON ONG CHIN SIM'S DEEMED INTEREST REFERS TO THE 37,993,060 SHARES HELD BY O-VEST PTE. LTD. BY VIRTUE OF SECTION 7 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, CAP. 50 OF SINGAPORE |
06/05/16 [06/05/16] |
SOH SIAK POH BENEDICT [DIR] | S/U | 175 | - | 46,322 | 23.38 | Note
GRANT OF SHARE AWARD UNDER THE KINGSMEN PERFORMANCE SHARE SCHEME AS APPROVED BY SHAREHOLDERS AT THE THIRTEENTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF KINGSMEN CREATIVES LTD. HELD ON 28 APRIL 2016. Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 8329419 (Direct Interest); 37993060 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 4.20000000 (Direct Interest); 19.18000000 (Deemed Interest)MR SOH SIAK POH BENEDICT'S DEEMED INTEREST REFERS TO THE 37,993,060 SHARES HELD BY ISLANDA PTE. LTD. BY VIRTUE OF SECTION 7 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, CAP. 50 OF SINGAPORE. |
06/04/16 [06/04/16] |
KINGSMEN CREATIVES LTD [COY] | S/U | 41 | SGD 0.650 | NA | NA | Note
Share buy-back by way of market acquisition on 6 April 2016. |
19/01/16 [19/01/16] |
KINGSMEN CREATIVES LTD [COY] | S/U | 47 | SGD 0.650 | NA | NA | Note
Share buy-back by way of market acquisition on 19 January 2016. |
18/01/16 [18/01/16] |
KINGSMEN CREATIVES LTD [COY] | S/U | 28 | SGD 0.648 | NA | NA | Note
Share buy-back by way of market acquisition on 18 January 2016. |
15/01/16 [15/01/16] |
KINGSMEN CREATIVES LTD [COY] | S/U | 6 | SGD 0.650 | NA | NA | Note
Share buy-back by way of market acquisition on 15 January 2016. |
14/01/16 [14/01/16] |
KINGSMEN CREATIVES LTD [COY] | S/U | 76 | SGD 0.640 | NA | NA | Note
Share buy-back by way of market acquisition on 14 January 2016. |
08/01/16 [08/01/16] |
KINGSMEN CREATIVES LTD [COY] | S/U | 18 | SGD 0.649 | NA | NA | Note
Share buy-back by way of market acquisition on 8 January 2016. |
22/12/15 [22/12/15] |
KINGSMEN CREATIVES LTD [COY] | S/U | 65 | SGD 0.650 | NA | NA | Note
Share buy-back by way of market acquisition on 22 December 2015. |
21/12/15 [21/12/15] |
KINGSMEN CREATIVES LTD [COY] | S/U | 35 | SGD 0.646 | NA | NA | Note
Share buy-back by way of market acquisition on 21 December 2015. |
17/12/15 [17/12/15] |
KINGSMEN CREATIVES LTD [COY] | S/U | 200 | SGD 0.640 | NA | NA | Note
Share buy-back by way of market acquisition on 17 December 2015. |
16/12/15 [16/12/15] |
KINGSMEN CREATIVES LTD [COY] | S/U | 250 | SGD 0.635 | NA | NA | Note
Share buy-back by way of market acquisition on 16 December 2015. |
16/12/15 [15/12/15] |
KINGSMEN CREATIVES LTD [COY] | S/U | 275 | SGD 0.623 | NA | NA | Note
Share buy-back by way of market acquisition on 15 December 2015. |
08/05/15 [08/05/15] |
CHONG SIEW LING [DIR] | S/U | 100 | - | 3,735 | 1.91 | Note
GRANT OF SHARE AWARD UNDER THE KINGSMEN PERFORMANCE SHARE SCHEME. Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 3734761 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 1.91000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest) |
08/05/15 [08/05/15] |
SIMON ONG CHIN SIM [DIR] | S/U | 119 | - | 46,147 | 23.55 | Note
GRANT OF SHARE AWARD UNDER THE KINGSMEN PERFORMANCE SHARE SCHEME AS APPROVED BY SHAREHOLDERS AT THE TWELFTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF KINGSMEN CREATIVES LTD. HELD ON 30 APRIL 2015. Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 8154170 (Direct Interest); 37993060 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 4.16000000 (Direct Interest); 19.39000000 (Deemed Interest)MR SIMON ONG CHIN SIM'S DEEMED INTEREST REFERS TO THE 37,993,060 SHARES HELD BY O-VEST PTE. LTD. BY VIRTUE OF SECTION 7 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, CAP. 50. |
08/05/15 [08/05/15] |
SOH SIAK POH BENEDICT [DIR] | S/U | 119 | - | 46,147 | 23.55 | Note
GRANT OF SHARE AWARD UNDER THE KINGSMEN PERFORMANCE SHARE SCHEME AS APPROVED BY SHAREHOLDERS AT THE TWELFTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF KINGSMEN CREATIVES LTD. HELD ON 30 APRIL 2015. Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 8154189 (Direct Interest); 37993060 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 4.16000000 (Direct Interest); 19.39000000 (Deemed Interest)MR SOH SIAK POH BENEDICT'S DEEMED INTEREST REFERS TO THE 37,993,060 SHARES HELD BY ISLANDA PTE. LTD. BY VIRTUE OF SECTION 7 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, CAP. 50. |
20/05/14 [20/05/14] |
SIMON ONG CHIN SIM [DIR] | S/U | 118 | - | 46,028 | 23.66 | Note
GRANT SHARES AWARD UNDER THE KINGSMEN SHARE SCHEME AS APPROVED BY SHAREHOLDERS AT THE AGM HELD ON 29 MAY 2014. Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 8035390 (Direct Interest); 37993060 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 4.13000000 (Direct Interest); 19.53000000 (Deemed Interest) |
20/05/14 [20/05/14] |
BENEDICT SOH SIAK POH [DIR] | S/U | 118 | - | 46,028 | 23.66 | Note
GRANT SHARES AWARD UNDER THE KINGSMEN SHARE SCHEME AS APPROVED BY SHAREHOLDERS AT THE AGM HELD ON 29 APRIL 2014. Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 8035409 (Direct Interest); 37993060 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 4.13000000 (Direct Interest); 19.53000000 (Deemed Interest) |
24/04/14 [18/04/14] |
Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V. [SSH] | S/U | 34 | - | 11,632 | 6.00 | Note
Acquisition of Securities via market transaction Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): SGD 32,004.20 Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 11632000 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 6.00000000 (Deemed Interest)The above holdings are registered in the name of Delta Lloyd Azie Deelnemingen Fonds N.V. (custodian being KAS BANK N.V.) and Delta Lloyd L Asian Participation Fund (custodian being Banque de Luxembourg S.A.). Both entities made a transaction on April 17th 2014. |
03/06/13 [03/06/13] |
SIMON ONG CHIN SIM [DIR] | S/U | 183 | - | 45,910 | 23.78 | Note
Grant shares award under the Kingsmen Performance Share Scheme as approved by Shareholders at the AGM held on 30 April 2013. Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 7917250 (Direct Interest); 37993060 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 4.10000000 (Direct Interest); 19.68000000 (Deemed Interest) |
03/06/13 [03/06/13] |
BENEDICT SOH SIAK POH [DIR] | S/U | 183 | - | 45,910 | 23.78 | Note
Grant shares award under the Kingsmen Performance Share Scheme as approved by Shareholders at the AGM held on 30 April 2013. Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 7917269 (Direct Interest); 37993060 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 4.10000000 (Direct Interest); 19.68000000 (Deemed Interest) |
18/03/13 [29/01/13] |
Disposal of Securities via market transaction Amount of consideration paid or received by Director/CEO (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): 15400 Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest) |
18/03/13 [07/01/13] |
PRABHAKARAN S/O NARAYANAN NAIR [DIR] | S/U | (40) | - | 20 | 0.01 | Note
Disposal of Securities via market transaction Amount of consideration paid or received by Director/CEO (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): 30300 Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 20000 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.01000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest) |
18/03/13 [03/01/13] |
PRABHAKARAN S/O NARAYANAN NAIR [DIR] | S/U | (20) | - | 60 | 0.03 | Note
Disposal of Securities via market transaction Amount of consideration paid or received by Director/CEO (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): 15100 Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 60000 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.03100000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest) |
18/03/13 [02/01/13] |
PRABHAKARAN S/O NARAYANAN NAIR [DIR] | S/U | (20) | - | 80 | 0.04 | Note
Disposal of Securities via market transaction Amount of consideration paid or received by Director/CEO (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): 15000 Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 80000 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.04200000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest) |
18/03/13 [27/12/12] |
PRABHAKARAN S/O NARAYANAN NAIR [DIR] | S/U | (23) | - | 100 | 0.05 | Note
Disposal of Securities via market transaction Amount of consideration paid or received by Director/CEO (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): 17250 Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 100000 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.05200000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest) |
18/03/13 [21/12/12] |
PRABHAKARAN S/O NARAYANAN NAIR [DIR] | S/U | (9) | - | 123 | 0.06 | Note
Disposal of Securities via market transaction Amount of consideration paid or received by Director/CEO (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): 6750 Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 123000 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.06400000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest) |
18/03/13 [19/12/12] |
PRABHAKARAN S/O NARAYANAN NAIR [DIR] | S/U | (18) | - | 132 | 0.07 | Note
Disposal of Securities via market transaction Amount of consideration paid or received by Director/CEO (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): 13500 Immediately after the transaction No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 132000 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.06900000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest) |
13/02/12 [31/01/12] |
Delta Lloyd Asset Management NV [SSH] | S | 6 | 0.570 | 9,550 | 5.00 | -
24/10/08 [24/10/08] |
Kingsmen [COY] | S | 500 | 0.341 | NA | NA | -
16/10/08 [16/10/08] |
Kingsmen [COY] | S | 20 | 0.355 | NA | NA | -
10/10/08 [10/10/08] |
Kingsmen [COY] | S | 10 | 0.340 | NA | NA | -
18/09/08 [18/09/08] |
Kingsmen [COY] | S | 272 | 0.389 | NA | NA | -
08/07/08 [08/07/08] |
Kingsmen [COY] | S | 4,000 | 0.390 | NA | NA | -
20/08/07 [17/08/07] |
BENEDICT SOH SIAK POH [DIR] | S | 100 | 0.570 | 30,485 | 24.59 | Note
Mr Benedict Soh Siak Poh's deemed interest refers to the 25,328,707 shares held by Islanda Pte Ltd by virtue of Section 7 of the Companies Act, Cap 50. |
13/08/07 [08/08/07] |
SIMON ONG CHIN SIM [DIR] | S | 100 | 0.670 | 30,485 | 24.59 | Note
Mr Simon Ong Chin Sim's deemed interest refers to the 25,328,707 shares held by O-Vest Pte Ltd by virtue of Section 7 of the Companies Act, Cap 50. |
21/05/07 [18/05/07] |
Chong Siew Ling [DIR] | S | (200) | 0.700 - 0.710 | 2,423 | 1.96 | -
09/04/07 [04/04/07] |
Chong Siew Ling [DIR] | S | 200 | 0.210 | 2,623 | 2.55 | Note
Exercise of Share Options/Convertibles. |
29/03/07 [28/12/05] |
Ong Ai Lin Tabitha [SSH] | S | (25,329) | - | NA | NA | Note
Transfer of 5,000 shares to Mr Simon Ong Chin Sim (father) in the capital of O-Vest Pte Ltd. |
29/03/07 [16/09/05] |
Jillian Soh E-Ping [SSH] | S | 25,329 | - | 25,329 | 24.72 | Note
Subscription of 5,000 shares in the capital of Islanda Pte Ltd. |
29/03/07 [15/09/05] |
Soh Hsien Wern Gavin [SSH] | S | 25,329 | - | 25,329 | 24.72 | Note
Transfer of 5,000 shares from Mr Benedict Soh Siak Poh (father) in the capital of Islanda Pte Ltd. |
28/03/07 [26/03/07] |
Png Geok Choo Rose [SSH] | S | (100) | 0.430 | 25,329 | 24.72 | -
21/03/07 [19/03/07] |
Chong Siew Ling [DIR] | S | (165) | 0.390 - 0.400 | 2,423 | 2.40 | -
19/03/07 [15/03/07] |
Chong Siew Ling [DIR] | S | (35) | 0.390 | 2,588 | 2.56 | -
29/11/06 [27/11/06-28/11/06] |
Chong Siew Ling [DIR] | S | (350) | 0.200 - 0.215 | 2,623 | 2.59 | -
27/11/06 [23/11/06] |
Chong Siew Ling [DIR] | S | (150) | 0.215 | 2,973 | 2.94 | -
13/09/04 [10/09/04] |
SIMON ONG CHIN SIM [DIR] | S | (60) | - | 30,385 | 30.39 | Note
Transfer of shares at nominal value of SGD1.00 to each of the three employees |
13/09/04 [10/09/04] |
Soh Siak Poh Benedict [DIR] | S | (60) | - | 30,485 | 30.48 | Note
Transfer of shares at nominal value of SGD1.00 to each of the three employees |
26/08/04 [24/08/04] |
SIMON ONG CHIN SIM [DIR] | S | 4 | 0.001 | 30,445 | 30.44 | Note
Shares returned from employees pursuant to the letter of undertaking dated 13 August 2004. |
26/08/04 [24/08/04] |
Soh Siak Poh Benedict [DIR] | S | 4 | 0.001 | 30,544 | 30.55 | Note
Shares returned from employees pursuant to the letter of undertaking dated 13 August 2004. |
03/05/04 [03/05/04] |
SIMON ONG CHIN SIM [DIR] | S | 56 | - | 30,441 | 30.44 | Note
Shares returned from employees pursuant to the letter of undertaking dated 13 August 2004. |
03/05/04 [03/05/04] |
Soh Siak Poh Benedict [DIR] | S | 56 | - | 30,541 | 30.54 | Note
Shares returned from employees pursuant to the letter of undertaking dated 13 August 2004. |
27/11/03 [26/11/03] |
Png Geok Choo Rose [SSH] | S | 100 | 0.265 | 25,429 | 25.43 | -
* | DIR - Director (include Directors of related companies) SSH - Substantial Shareholder COY - Company Share Buyback TMRP - Trustee-Manager/Responsible Person |
** | S - Shares W - Warrants U - Units R - Rights |
*** | Direct & Deemed Interests |
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